Cork, Dublin, Naples, Pompei(i) and then Naples (again).
Ireland was great, but freezing cold.
Highlights from Naples/Pompei include (but are not limited to):
Getting into the basement of the Museo Nazionale.
Getting locked in the basement of the Museo Nazionale.
Having the proprietor of the restaurant (where I had the best pasta ever - roasted eggplant, tomato-gorgonzola sauce. Dear lord it was tasty) decide to defend his honor. With a large serrated knife.
Getting into the storage area of Pompei.
Staying in a Hotel-Motel that rents rooms by the hour.
Watching the bats (pipistrelli) swoop down on the pool at said 'hotel' by night.
Leaving said 'hotel' early.
Having the next door neighbors at the boutique hotel in Naples have a knock down, drag out 7 hour Neapolitan family drama. What this means is lots of screaming, lots of slammed doors, crying child and threats of 'I'm going to kill you'. Or to be more precise 'I'm going to kill you in a messy way (amazzare not uccidere - look it up).
Finding the glory that is Italian Amy Winehouse = Giusy Ferreri. Non ti scordar mai di me.
No more 'foreign' posts, back soon to the foreign land that is St. Louis. And no, I've still not had St. Louis style pizza. I'm on a break from pizza anyways.