Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why I hate Cable Companies

I'm getting to know the awfully friendly folks over at Charter Communications very very well.  Perhaps, too well.  My lovely new cable landline does not work.  And all the technicians with all their tech know-how couldn't put Melissa's landline back together again.

I wait with baited breath.  I have another date tomorrow.  Maybe this time it will go past telephone first base - which would mean that it works for longer than 3 hours. 


Wash U is nice tho'.  My promised pics will be up soon - the camera has to charge.


kate said...

I will have you know that this is the third comment I have gone to leave on this thing, but each time I can't figure out to say and delete this. I'm not very good at this. Anyway, I'm sorry you hate your cable company. Do you have to wait at home for them to come?

kate said...

I meant, can't figure out *what* to say. Told you I was bad at this.

Ivy / 林爱 said...

I know what you mean! I spent a whole afternoon once lying on the floor (no furniture at the time!) with Rick from Comcast.