1) For the record, the temperature outside with humidity is something like 101.
2) That humidity could crush a bear into little bear bits.
3) I missed the first shuttle bus.
4) I had to go to the nicer Schnuck's (note for non-St. Louisians, this is equivalent to Shaws or Safeway or QFC or Stah-market)
5) I missed the shuttle bus.
6) So, up pulls a nice SUV with Debby - the nicest person ever !! Seriously. She picks up a stranger on a realllly hot day and drives me home. Yes, this was not necessarily the smartest move on either of our parts. But - I no look gift SUV air conditioned ride to my house in mouth (whatever that would be).
7) I get out of car and nice Quadrangle housing guy rushes over to help me carry groceries to door.
8) Then nice next door neighbor makes point of holding and propping door.
I'm sure this is all a heat-induced mirage. I am probably lying on the side of the road halfway home, having started out and then fallen prey to the heat. I've probably eaten my pork loin roast raw and am now crawling pathetically along the searing sidewalk trailing my groceries as a I go. Debby probably doesn't exist. The Quadrangle guy is probably someone stealing my groceries as I crawl. I can't explain the nice next door neighbor.
All I can say is - what a lucky girl am I . And thanks to all those that made the homeward bound leg of my grocery journey pleasantly eventful.
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